Eidolon: True shape clipping coming soon…

By | August 25, 2010

I’ve eventually got around to working on a true clipping engine for Eidolon. The current mechanism for clipping shapes simple just compresses them until they fit into the viewing window (if they appear in there in the first place).

The new clipping engine will actually chop the shape off at the boundaries so that there will no longer be any distortion of the shapes.

Below is an example of a bar shape being clipped by the new engine.

The black rectangle represent the view port. In the case of Eidolon this is the extents of the start and finish chainages and dates. The red line (partially hidden) represents the FULL shape to be rendered while the green (with purple shading) represents the clipped shape.

What this will allow you to do is zoom in on portions of the Time Location and get an accurate view of what is going on.

This will not appear in the next version of Eidolon as that is for Schematic Diagrams but will appear hopefully within the next month in the next revision. The implementation of the clipping engine requires some re-working of the Eidolon internals, hence why its not practice for this immediate release.

