Chapter 11: Writing editor code

By | September 1, 2011

In this chapter I’m going to extend the ideas from Chapter 10: Reading editor code and make the code insert a comment block above the method declaration and move the cursor to the start of the description in the comment.

To do this I’ve modified the SelectMethod as below:

Procedure SelectMethod;

  slItems: TStringList;
  SE: IOTASourceEditor;
  CP: TOTAEditPos;
  iIndex: Integer;

  slItems := TStringList.Create;
    iIndex := TfrmItemSelectionForm.Execute(slItems, 'Select Method');
    If iIndex > -1 Then
        CP := InsertComment(slItems, iIndex);
        SE := ActiveSourceEditor;
        If SE <> Nil Then
            SE.EditViews[0].CursorPos := CP;
            SE.EditViews[0].Center(CP.Line, CP.Col);

Note that the InsertComment method (detailed in a minute) returns a new cursor position which we then update. The code that got the cursor position from our user-defined record has been moved into the start of the InsertComment method as below:

Function InsertComment(slItems : TStringList; iIndex : Integer) : TOTAEditPos;

  recItemPos : TItemPosition;
  SE: IOTASourceEditor;
  Writer: IOTAEditWriter;
  i: Integer;
  iIndent: Integer;
  iPosition: Integer;
  CharPos : TOTACharPos;

  recItemPos.Data := slItems.Objects[iIndex];
  Result.Line := recItemPos.Line;
  Result.Col := 1;
  SE := ActiveSourceEditor;
  If SE <> Nil Then
      Writer := SE.CreateUndoableWriter;
        iIndent := 0;
        For i := 1 To Length(slItems[iIndex]) Do
          If slItems[iIndex][i] = #32 Then
        CharPos.Line := Result.Line;
        CharPos.CharIndex := Result.Col - 1;
        iPosition := SE.EditViews[0].CharPosToPos(CharPos);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, '(**'#13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, #13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, '  Description.'#13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, #13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, '  @precon  '#13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, '  @postcon '#13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, #13#10);
        OutputText(Writer, iIndent, '**)'#13#10);
        Inc(Result.Line, 2);
        Inc(Result.Col, iIndent + 2);
        Writer := Nil;

In this method the following happens:

  1. Update the Result of the function with the current method cursor position;
  2. Next get a reference to the active source editor as described in the previous chapter;
  3. If the source editor is valid obtain a undoable writer interface. The IDE supports both an undoable interface and one without that can’t be undone. I prefer to allow the user to undo any changes so always use the CreateUndoableWriter method.
  4. Next we count the number of space at the start of the method line to see if we need to indent the comment (tabs are not supported in this example);
  5. Then we need to convert the cursor position to a position index into the writer buffer using the EditViews.CharPosToPos method. One thing to note is that the CharPosToPos function uses a TOTACharPos record not a TOTAEditPos record, so we need to convert. In converting the char index in the TOTACharPos record is 0 based NOT 1 based therefore we need to subtract 1;
  6. Once we have the position in the writer buffer of the cursor position we use the CopyTo method of the writer to move to that position;
  7. We then output the lines of the comment using a new utility function OutputText which is described below;
  8. Finally we update the Result cursor position for the new position in the inserted comment text.

The reason for refactoring the OutputText functionality out is that this is different for Delphi 2009 (Unicode) and above so casting is required to stop compiler warnings appearing and it also makes the code cleaner.

Procedure OutputText(Writer : IOTAEditWriter; iIndent : Integer; strText : String);

  {$IFNDEF D2009}
  Writer.Insert(PAnsiChar(StringOfChar(#32, iIndent) + strText));
  Writer.Insert(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(StringOfChar(#32, iIndent) + strText)));

There is a caveat to working with the IOTAEditWriter interface in that it is a move forward only buffer – you can not move backwards in the buffer. This causes a problem with multiple inserts as generally to maintain the cursor position you would want to move backwards through the text so you don’t have to update all you cursor positions. The way I get round this is to perform the insert at each location (going backwards) with new instances of the IOTAEditWriter interface.

Here are the files to accompany this (OTA Chapter 11).
