Chapter 12: Project Repository Wizards

By | September 7, 2011

In this chapter I’m going to describe how to implement a Project Wizard which appears in the File | New or File | New | Other dialogue depending on the version of Delphi you have. I’ve actually had to work this one out from scratch as the last time I did this was with Delphi 3 which used a different method for creating wizards.

This particular wizard will either appear as an icon in a tab of its own for earlier version of Delphi or under a new branch in modern versions of Delphi. These types of wizard are useful for creating new projects in their entirety.

Below is the code to create the wizard interface and it contains quite a number of interfaces. The first IOTAWizard should be obvious from previous example but this is then followed by various IOTARepositoryWizard and IOTAProjectWizard interfaces. The different version of the interfaces are for different version of the IDE and their methods will be explain later. To implement a Project Wizard you must also implement the Repository Wizard interfaces as well.

  TRepositoryWizardInterface = Class(TNotifierObject, IOTAWizard, IOTARepositoryWizard
    {$IFDEF D0006}, IOTARepositoryWizard60 {$ENDIF}
    {$IFDEF D2005}, IOTARepositoryWizard80 {$ENDIF},
    {$IFDEF D2005}, IOTAProjectWizard100 {$ENDIF})
  {$IFDEF D2005} Strict {$ENDIF} Private
  {$IFDEF D2005} Strict {$ENDIF} Protected
    {$IFDEF D2005}
    Constructor Create;
    // IOTAWizard
    Procedure Execute;
    Function GetIDString: String;
    Function GetName: String;
    Function GetState: TWizardState;
    Procedure AfterSave;
    Procedure BeforeSave;
    Procedure Destroyed;
    Procedure Modified;
    // IOTARepositoryWizard
    Function GetAuthor: String;
    Function GetComment: String;
    {$IFDEF D0006}
    Function GetGlyph: Cardinal;
    Function GetGlyph: HICON;
    Function GetPage: String;
    {$IFDEF D0006}
    // IOTARepositoryWizard60
    Function GetDesigner: String;
    {$IFDEF D2005}
    // IOTARepositoryWizard80
    Function GetGalleryCategory: IOTAGalleryCategory;
    Function GetPersonality: String;
    // IOTAProjectWizard
    {$IFDEF D2005}
    // IOTAProjectWizard100
    Function IsVisible(Project: IOTAProject): Boolean;

There is one thing to not here. The GetGlyph declaration has changed since Delphi 5.

Below I’m going to walk through each method of the above definition so you can understand what needs coding and what doesn’t and how they should be implemented.

Below are some resource strings. These are not need for the OTA but simply for me to implement some messages in the code to help workout when methods are called.

{$IFDEF D0006}
  strRepositoryWizardGroup = 'Repository Wizard Messages';
{$IFDEF D2005}
  strMyCustomCategory = 'OTA Custom Gallery Category';

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and as far as I can tell does not get called for this type of wizard.

Procedure TRepositoryWizardInterface.AfterSave;

  OutputMessage('AfterSave' {$IFDEF D0006}, strRepositoryWizardGroup {$ENDIF});

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and as far as I can tell does not get called for this type of wizard.

Procedure TRepositoryWizardInterface.BeforeSave;

  OutputMessage('BeforeSave' {$IFDEF D0006}, strRepositoryWizardGroup {$ENDIF});

This create method is only implemented for Delphi 2005 and above as the IDE works differently from earlier versions. This constructor creates a new Category in the gallery under which the project Wizard is installed. For Delphi 2005 and above this is the method that should be used not the below GetPage method from older version of the IDE. It simply adds a new category to the IDE with the Delphi New Category as its parent.

{$IFDEF D2005}
Constructor TRepositoryWizardInterface.Create;

  With (BorlandIDEServices As IOTAGalleryCategoryManager) Do
      AddCategory(FindCategory(sCategoryDelphiNew), strMyCustomCategory,
        'OTA Custom Gallery Category');

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and as far as I can tell does not get called for this type of wizard.

Procedure TRepositoryWizardInterface.Destroyed;

  OutputMessage('Destroyed' {$IFDEF D0006}, strRepositoryWizardGroup {$ENDIF});

This method is executed when the Project Wizard is selected from the Gallery and this is where we will in future chapters implement the creation of a project.

Procedure TRepositoryWizardInterface.Execute;

  ShowMessage('Hello OTA Example from the Project Repository Wizard.');

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and returns the Author of the wizard.

Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetAuthor: String;

  Result := 'David Hoyle';

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and returns a comment for the wizard.

Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetComment: String;

  Result := 'This is an example of an OTA Repository Wizard';

This is a method of the IOTARepositoryWizard60 interface and returns the type of designer to be used. This is due to the IDEs of the time being able to target Linux. For this we just returns the constant string for the VCL. This will perhaps change in Delphi XE2 and the targeting of the Mac OS.

{$IFDEF D0006}
Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetDesigner: String;

  Result := dVCL;

This is a method of the IOTARepositoryWizard80 interface and specifies under which category in the gallery this new Project Wizard will appear. In this case it appears under the new category we created in the constructor of our wizard.

{$IFDEF D2005}
Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetGalleryCategory: IOTAGalleryCategory;

  Result := (BorlandIDEServices As IOTAGalleryCategoryManager).FindCategory(strMyCustomCategory);

This is a method of the IOTARepositoryWizard interface and defines the ICON handle to be used for the Project Wizard. In testing I’ve ascertained that this can ONLY be an ICON and not a bitmap. I should have guessed from the original signature. All we do here is return the handle of an ICON in a resource bound to the Package or DLL. You can see how this is done by looking at the source code at the end of this article.

{$IFDEF D0006}
Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetGlyph: Cardinal;
Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetGlyph: HICON;

  Result := LoadIcon(hInstance, 'RepositoryWizardProjectIcon')

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and returns the ID string of the wizard. This must be unique especially in a project that contains multiple wizards.

Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetIDString: String;

  Result := 'OTA.Repository.Wizard.Example';

This is a method of the IOTAWizard interface and returns the name of the wizard.

Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetName: String;

  Result := 'OTA Repository Wizard Example';

This is an method of the IOTARepositoryWizard interface and is required for earlier version of Delphi (before 2005) in order to tell the IDE on which page (tab) the Project Wizard should appear.

Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetPage: String;

  Result := 'OTA Examples';

This is a method of the IOTARepositoryWizard80 interface and tells the IDE which personality the Project belongs to (Delphi, C++ Builder, etc).

{$IFDEF D2005}
Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetPersonality: String;

  Result := sDelphiPersonality;

This is an method of the IOTAWizard interface and returns that the wizard is enabled.

Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.GetState: TWizardState;

  Result := [wsEnabled];

This is a method of the IOTAProjectWizard100 interface which signifies that the wizard is visible for all projects. You may wish to disable a project wizard for a particular given project.

{$IFDEF D2005}
Function TRepositoryWizardInterface.IsVisible(Project: IOTAProject): Boolean;

  Result := True;

This is an method of the IOTAWizard interface and as far as I can tell does not get called for this type of wizard.

Procedure TRepositoryWizardInterface.Modified;

  OutputMessage('Modified' {$IFDEF D0006}, strRepositoryWizardGroup {$ENDIF});

Finally we need to remove any message from the IDE before we unload. This is only because I’m output messages with the library routines. If you don’t use message that implement IOTACustomMessages you do not require this but I always think its a safe thing to do.


Obviously we need to create our wizard so the following code is added to the InitialiseWizard function. Note that this isn’t the main wizard for this example project and therefore is not passed back to the DLL loading code. If it were the main wizard then you would only use AddWizard in a Package and RegisterProc called from InitWizard in a DLL. See the post Fatal Mistake in DLL… Doh! for more details

Function InitialiseWizard(WizardType : TWizardType) : TWizardTemplate;

  Svcs : IOTAServices;

  // Create Project Repository Interface
  iRepositoryWizardIndex := (BorlandIDEServices As IOTAWizardServices).AddWizard(

And of course we need to unload the wizard on unloading the package.

  // Remove Repository Wizard Interface
  If iRepositoryWizardIndex <> 0 Then
    (BorlandIDEServices As IOTAWizardServices).RemoveWizard(iRepositoryWizardIndex);

Hope this provides helpful. We will use this building block for the next chapter where we’ll create a project’s code.

This code for this project is here (OTA Chapter 12).
