Source Editor for the Active View

By | July 13, 2019

While working through some bugs in one of my Open Tools API projects I came across some old code that I’ve written about here before that did not behave as I wanted it to.

Up until now the tools has been used with the Object Pascal language and as such the IDE has only needed to work with one file, the .pas file. However when working with C++ the tool wouldn’t do want I wanted (insert comments in the .h file). The reasons for this was the use of IOTASourceEditor.GetEditView() / IOTASourceEditor.EditViews[].

By using these you are specifically referencing an index into the view list which is usually one for Object Pascal but for C++ contains views for the .cpp and .h files.

So what I needed to use was IOTAEditorServices.TopView instead. Now that gives me the correct view for getting the cursor position but doesn’t help me get the active editor code.

Historically I’ve used a function I wrote as below:

Function TBADIToolsAPIFunctions.ActiveSourceEditor : IOTASourceEditor;

  MS : IOTAModuleServices;

  If Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAModuleServices, MS) Then
    If Assigned(MS.CurrentModule) Then
      Result := SourceEditor(MS.CurrentModule);

Notice that this function uses another function to get the IOTASourceEditor interface from the current module as follows:

Function TBADIToolsAPIFunctions.SourceEditor(Const Module : IOTAModule) : IOTASourceEditor;

   iFileCount : Integer;
   i : Integer;

   Result := Nil;
   If Not Assigned(Module) Then
   iFileCount := Module.GetModuleFileCount;
   For i := 0 To iFileCount - 1 Do
     If Module.GetModuleFileEditor(i).QueryInterface(IOTASourceEditor, Result) = S_OK Then

This code returns the first IOTASourceEditor interface from the module’s list of editors and this is where the problem lies.

However if we look at the declaration of the methods of IOTAEditorServices where the TopView method is that we need to use (later), then you will see that there is a TopBuffer property which is of the type IOTAEditBuffer which is inherited from IOTASourceEditor. So we can write the following revised ActiveSourceEditor function to get the currently active editor view as follows:

Function TBADIToolsAPIFunctions.ActiveSourceEditor : IOTASourceEditor;

   ES : IOTAEditorServices;

   Result := Nil;
   If Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAEditorServices, ES) Then
     Result := ES.TopBuffer;

This now gives us the active source editor, so all we need to do to get the active view’s cursor position is do something like the following:

  EditorSvcs   : IOTAEditorServices;

  If Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAEditorServices, EditorSvcs) Then
      EV := EditorSvcs.TopView;

Hopefully that helpful to you all.
